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Muddy Stories

Mud and boot related stories

Muddy canal fun

Myself and a mate went for a muddy session in a canal in Manchester a couple of days ago, he's the first fellow mudder I've met and he had scouted out a mud filled sluice gate on the Huddersfield canal, unfortunately it wasn't the most secluded of spots (right next to a road bridge, albeit a quiet back road)!!

He went in first and was happily enjoying himself, smearing mud everywhere (including his face) when I spotted somebody on the towpath. He jumped out and hid behind the support pillar of the bridge over the spillway, I was using this bridge as my vantage point for filming him. No sooner was the towpath clear than an Environment Agency van pulled up with some butch bull-dyke at the wheel, she then got a load of gear out of the van and came to the canal to take some water samples, of all the days to turn up!! It was nearly half an hour before she finally buggered off, by which time my mate was starting to get quite cold.

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