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UK Muddy Places

Muddy locations in the British Isles

Manchester area

Any suggestions for decent mud places around the North Manchester area?

I've found muddy paths etc, but no decent stuff.

Mud I can find close to London and the south east

hey guys, doing a few weeks work in London and with my free time planning on trying to find some mud! Who knows anywhere I can travel to by public transport out of London for some sloppy fun? I’m tempted to head to the thames estuary and explore but any pointers would be great! Anyone want to join me?

Need extreme mess plwase (NW farm or stables)

Hello friends,

I am into mud (of course) but dream of lots of messy abuse, being covered in slop, grease and paint, getting tarred and feathered and buried in horse manure.
So, two questions:
1. Anyone know any farms or stables where I could be suitably destroyed2. Any takers to do the humiliating mess... warning you could  (will) get messy too!
Thank you in advance

92nd Wild & Woolly

Autumn has arrived (early) and that basically means its the countdown to the '92nd Wild & Woolly' motox scrabmble / race at Blizworth Northamptonshire on Boxing Day.

Would be great to get a list of members of this site who can definitly make it to the event , and are willing to jump in the mud (regardless of any general public watching) when the session is finished.

Who will be ready for it ?




Bank Hol Mud

Bank Holiday Wkend !

Whos heading out to get muddy ?

Midlands mud fun this weekend

Looking to get messy this weekend, 24th, anyone free in or near Midlands area please message me. Also open to suggestions on places to go.

Deep quarry mud

With the weather warming up I'm gagging to make some more pics and vids to post, and I've not enjoyed a thick deep and sticky quarry silt pit to sink, struggle and squelch though for a couple of years now.

Any of you mud boys on here know a nice quarry silt pit and fancy hosting a horny guy to play for your camera?

Any muddy locations in west cornwall?

I can't seem to find any muddy locations in West Cornwall....dos anyone know of any?

Norfolk Mud!

Hey guys! 

Mud fun

Anybody in wales 


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