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Steve, the Builder

Where the hell was Steve? He said he'd be here between 2 and 2.30pm, but it was now nearly 3, and I needed to be out of here to get to an appointment later on. He's normally so reliable, so I was a little bit concerned. He was coming over to quote me for some garden work I needed, and as he'd already done work on my house I was happy for him to do other work.

Still, I was busy myself, digging out the old fish-pond in the back garden, up to my Rigger-clad ankles in mud, when my cell-phone rang; 'Hey, it's Steve, I'll be 5 minutes!' Ending the call, i muttered 'whatever' under my breath and carried on digging. There was now a huge pile of earth at the side of the hole; wet,sloppy clay, like you'd find in a quarry.

Suddenly a voice exclaimed 'what the hell are you doing? Aren't you going to be paying me to do all this landscaping shit?' I jumped back, dropping my spade, and falling backwards against the side of the hole. It was Steve, grinning at my predicament, wearing his 'trademark' ripped levis, a filthy white T-shirt and some trashed trainers.

My arse felt wet where I'd fallen against the side of the hole; not that I was concerned - these once-white jeans had seen some action over the years!'You've arrived' I exclaimed 'Where've you been? I expected you ages ago!' 'Don't sweat, man' he says 'I had some business to take care of' as he grinned that gorgeous grin! 'So what work do you need' he asked, and I gestured across the wilderness that was my garden; 'EVERYTHING!'

He laughed, and said I probably needed a hand out of the hole, but instead of extending his arm he jumped into the pit, splashing mud halfway up his jeans. As the sloppy mud oozed into his trainers he had a look of complete bliss on his face! Noticing the hose laying on the ground, he grabbed hold and climbed to the top of the pile of earth next to the pit, and sat on top of the apex, directing the water down the side.

Next thing I know, he's pissing his jeans, creating rivulets down the mound; 'Fuck' I cried 'I knew you were a dirty fucker the first time I met you! He grinned that shit-eating grin of his and said 'You don't know how dirty a fucker I can be!'

With that, he launched himself down the pile of earth, landing arse-first in six inches of sloppy mud. Grabbing me round the knees, he pulled me on top of him and then wrestled me around under him. We play-fought for ages, completely covered in mud, until Steve shoved his hand down the front of my jeans, grabbing my rock-hard cock and massaging it with mud. In seconds I blasted my hot load into my jeans; dozens of hot white pearls landing in the brown sludge.

More to cum guys - just be patient!


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