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Steve, the Builder 2

It's a good thing my back garden is so secluded - lots of mature trees and shrubs hiding us from the neighbours! After I'd shot my load Steve withdrew his hand from down the front of my jeans and before I had the chance to return the favour he told me he'd already cum, hands-free, just by touching my cock.

The hose-pipe was still pumping out water from the top of the pile of earth, which was now sliding back into the pit - I'd have to dig it all out all over again! The pit was now half full of watery, sloppy mud, which came well over halfway up our legs. 'Shit' Steve exclaimed, 'I need to be somewhere soon' 'Not in that state' I replied, laughing at the sight of him covered head to toe in mud!

He grabbed the hose and we took turns trying to wash each other down but that just added more water into the pit, so we clambered out and finished hosing each other on the grass. 'Come on' I said 'you need to shower before you go to wherever it is you're going' Steve looked at me gratefully and we both started stripping out of our wet clothes. 'Wow' I said, when I saw him reveal a once-white jockstrap under his jeans, packing quite a bulge. He knew by now that I wasn't wearing anything under my jeans, having had his hand down there minutes earlier!

I let Steve use the shower first and after my turn I emerged to find he'd raided my wardrobe for some clothes to wear - they were a little tight as he's a size above me, but he looked well hot wearing some old worn levis and a white muscle-vest. 'You find underwear?' I asked, but he just grinned at me, saying 'nah, didn't think I'd bother - it's just one more thing to take off!' My cock jumped at the thought of his cock and balls encased in MY jeans! I grabbed a pair of white trackie bottoms and a discarded t-shirt and hurriedly pulled them on.

'Now I really need to get going' he said, and when I asked him what the rush was he looked rather embarassed and said he had another appointment to get to. At this point we were crossing the back garden past the pit I'd dug and I realised he'd not got around to giving me that work quote, so we made an appointment for the same time tomorrow. 'And' he said 'I'll be wearing these clothes of yours, so make sure you dig that pit out a bit deeper' and with that he pushed me back into the sloppy mud pit. Somehow I think this landscaping work could take a lot longer than I thought............!


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