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Links to other mud or boot related sites

Tumblr, Flickr, Facebook

There was a bit of discussion a while back about how little mudboyuk.com was represented in social media (arguments both ways about privacy vs growth)

I don't think facebook is quite the place for this site (?); as some of you already know I have a flickr page already (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mudfetish) but I have now set up a space on tumblr:


if you are a tumblr user please feel free to submit your dirty stuff or just follow along


Would anyone be interested in joining a server I’ve created in Discord? Just putting the feelers out there as I’m in the middle of creating it and would love to know if any of our members would consider joining once it’s complete? Thanks

Mud Lovers - Telegram Group

Hey! Im sure you are a mud lover, i would like to invite you to our new telegram group!
Find people, share experiences and content and have a good time with us!

Join here: https://t.me/mud_lovers

Muddy Stream

Videos on thisvid

I have put nearly 100 videos on thisvid, my name there is dirty_overalls, I think the below is the correct link


Anyone found any sexy vids of wellies on the farm?

The muckier the better. I like watching some things not on Youtube. Found this one on tiktok earlier. Oink oink.


Veterinary suit

Does anyone remember a video on Youtube years ago called "Veterinary suit! where a guy  puts a green coverall on over a boiler suit with wellies? Would love to see it again. 

Decent mud fucking video


MF video but some good head dunking etc.

From N.Ireland


Please note that group is an adult content about naked in boots eg wellies :)

My new muddy wader website

I made a new website dedicated to muddy waders. You can find it at www.muddywaders.weebly.com/ .


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