Welcome to the mudboyuk.com community for muddy guys from around all over the world

Most of the members content is hidden from users who are not logged in.
Members have full access to the forums and to 1000's of images and videos,
there is no charge to join or use the members area. Members can also
access user profiles and send instant messages to other members.

If you are not already a member then creating an account is simple and
FREE. Below is a preview of some of the mudboyuk.com members content.
As a not logged in visitor you can preview just a few of 1000's of images, or read the forum
but not comments on those posts.


Frequently Asked Questions, post any questions you have below


Hi how come when I up load a movie I cant seem to see it noted in the "Embeded Media section" I am up loading them in the wrong section.


Many thanks From Don N.Ireland

What is Mudfactor? and Referrals?

Mudfactor is a measure of the amount you contribute to the site community.

The higher your mudfactor the higher up the list of users your name appears, this rewards users who contribute to the community by making their profile more visible. The mud factor is used in various places around the site to add weighting to list views which include users or their profiles.

Beginners Guide to Mudboyuk.com

Help for new arrivals

Thanks for joining the site! here are a few tips to get the most out of the Community

Site Tips and Hints

This posts contains a few hints to help you along...

Content is Moderated
So your posts (uploads, forum, links etc) will not be live the moment you click submit. You can still see them, and you might notice that your post has a translucent red/pink background to it, this means that it is yet to be reviewed, other users still can't see it. This process reduces the amount of spam the site gets (to virtually zero).


Is there anybody else online enjoying Mudboy's horny work ?? (Wishing they could go wallowing now !!??)

About mudboyuk.com

Welcome to the site, please feel free to post your comments, stories, suggestions.... flames, whatever. All posts will be moderated, and new categories created as needed.

I invite you to upload your dirty photos and videos (that you own!) to the galleries. Again new categories will be created as needed. Please do not upload images that do not belong to you. Images will be reviewed before they go live on the site, adult images may not be accepted.


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