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when I go mudding I usually start fully clothed with boots, jeans, shirt and jacket, and get slowly more and more dirty. I love to see and feel first my boots, then clean pants little by little and shirt get the right colour and nicely wet and slippery, until I am covered with mud. A have posted a few pictures about this process.

I do not, however, stop there. I want mud also on my bare skin, inside my pants, to rub it all over my body, all parts.

Those some what adult pictures, however, cannot be published here, for reasons I quite understand. Never the less, I would like to share some of them.

How to make them available, where to post them? I am familiar with some Yahoo sites, but they are so inactive, no post, or only inappropriate post. Of course I could send them to individuals, if there is not too many requests (but let me know), and the capacities of the e-mail systems are sufficient.


By the way, it would be interesting to know how many of you go all the way when playing in the mud, or am I in the minority.


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