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*WARNING* Tosh.0 TV show featuring our youtube content.
Hi guys,Just to let you all know, some of us have been featured on american TV show Tosh.0. You can see the link to the segment here: (sorry its a facebook link):
Last year, the producer of this show contacted me via youtube asking me to appear to do a live skit. They offered $750 to appear plus would pay for flights to LA for the filming. After some discussion I declined and told them I did not want to feature on the show.
It appears they wanted to do a feature anyway, and have featured my content prominently without my consent.
Not sure how this falls under fair use, but I did NOT give permission for my content to be featured like this.
I will be emailing the producer to find out more and see I cant get the video taken down.
In the mean time, for anyone else affected this is his email addres: