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North East Mud Meet - Saturday 16th of July 2011.

Hi Guys Ive decided to plan a mudd meet again for the North east area after our last mud meet session turned out to be a real wet and fun session, this meet gives those who didn't attend last time a chance to come and meet some new faces and have some fun.

We have three places of Interest for guys the first is (Billingham greatham creek) the second (the tees mud hole off the A19) and third (a farmers feild with cow slurry and a beck close by) Ive maked the date for the event some weeks ahead so folk can plan around it,

Id sudgest a Informal meeting up point first rather than all turning up on mass as some people either don't drive or can't find there way to venues without a friendly helper to guild them.

Let me know who's Interested.


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