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Newbie looking for mud and slurry locations

Hi guys,

I'm a newbie here - having been into WAM ever since my teens, I've spent the last decade or so mastering gunge... but now I find myself getting drawn more and more towards wanting to explore the adventurous, dirty world of mud ...and slurry.

One of my main reasons for coming here is that I would really like to make connections and ultimately find a location whereby I can experiment and experience outdoor mud and slurry on private property without the fear of being seen or getting into any trouble for indecent exposure, trespass etc.

I'm essentially wanting to fulfil the slightly cliche fantasy of wanting to jump into a vat of smooth green/brown slurry - fully aware that the smell will be revolting, but just lately its what I really want... an exciting departure and development from the safe world of 'clean' gunge if that makes sense.

So anyway- hi all, this is my first step, I hope to make connections and friends and hopefully some of you will be helpful enough to send me in the right muddy and mucky directions!


'Colour Hobby'


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