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I was finally caught in the sand pit

I was paying one of my favorite mud spots a visit the other day; in fact, it is almost a lake of clay. The area is an active sand pit about 30 kilometers south of my hometown. It was already 7 PM and all of the workers had left by then. I was wearing an olive jumpsuit and black Bekina waders. The mud was not soft and creamy near to the bank so I was required to move more to the center where it was deep and … well … horny. The spot in the middle of the dried up lake really turned me on and I was slowly sinking up to my thighs into the greedy hole. I was finally sucked down to the tops of my waders, got fully excited and I knew that I would shoot my load any second now, when suddenly a truck carrying construction waste approached on the other side of the pit where the driveway is located. I was in panic for a second, but then I thought that it would just pass by. It did not.

The driver stopped, left its lorry and surrounded the vehicle. He just stood there watching me from the far side of the lake. He was wearing regular work overalls and boots, he was of athletic build and I assumed that he must have been in his early thirties. Maybe he initially thought that I was in trouble. But then he must have realized that I was not when looking at my arousal and the fact that he did not say anything supported my thought. He was there, just idle. I was also uncertain and did not know what to do, at first. After a minute I found that it was a huge turn-on with this guy facing me and I got even more excited. I continued wanking once my cock was rock solid again.

My movements must have gotten more extreme because soon the mud was licking at my balls. I slowed down a bit and allowed the clay to swallow my dick. Once it was under the surface, I used my arms to stabilize myself and let horizontal movement do the rest. I did not pay a lot attention to my unexpected visitor until I came: he was still in place - he did not shift a bit, except that he had put his legs apart in the meantime. The bulge in his pants definitely grew. I admit that I was not really quiet when being in pleasure.

I slowly pulled myself out after I had finished the job. In fact, it became a job of its own as the mud kept my waders in place and initially did not want to let loose. I walked back to my original entry point in my caked waders and dirty coverall - my cock still half stiffened - so I turned around on the bank and milked myself off in front of the guy. The worker was still facing me and although being on the other side he must have gotten the message as he grabbed his crotch and shifted his hardened dick into a more comfortable position, before I left through the woods. Shortly after I disappeared I heard the truck starting its engine and the driver was pursuing to his final destination.


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