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Breaking in a new mudding spot

I had discovered this locale by accident along the bike trail I frequented for mudding.The usual locale I used to get muddy was great, but exposed to vuew by passers by. And today the trail was busier than desired. And the other area was much further down the trail.So I wanted to find a secluded area that was closer.. As luck would have it, I remembered a side trail that was very secluded and prone to muddy spots. It was only about a 10 minute walk from the first locale where i currently was, so I decided to see if I was in luck.

I had chosen my clothes carefully that day. I dressed in my favorite mudding clothes, black wetlook LEI pants and a very full satinblouse. Eagerly i walked to the side trail with high hopes for suitable mud to work with. I was not disappointed as I was pleasantly surprised by a tempting sight. In a secluded spot on the side trail was a very large area of mud. I put the  ankle boots I wore for mudding on and proceeded to test the mud for consistancy. It was better than I imagined, a nice soft & sticky mud that would give beautifully as I sat down in it and more importantly, cling to my outfit.

It was time to get started. Carefully ,I sat down in the mud and began getting myself muddy.I felt the muddy water seeping into my pants wetting them as I sank into the mud and the mud gave way allowing the dirty water to wet them.. The time had come for me to muddy myself some more.. First I shifted to a kneeling position, then shifted each leg to the side to work more mud onto my pants..Well, now to get the blouse muddy. Since it was quite billowy, I slowly eased back , allowing the blouse to gradually touch the mud.Then I laid down to allow the back to fully get muddy and the sleeves as well..Ti finish the job, I then rilled onto my front to make sure the blouse and pants were muddy on the front too..Definitely a great spot I would utilize again when possible


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