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Mud Play

Guys playing in the mud

orange hiviz in mud 4

getting completely covered in the mud.

See video

Riding boots and breeches

See video

orange hiviz in mud 3

Preparing the mud for some deeper sinking.

See video

orange hiviz in mud 2

part 2 of the orange gear, that will not stay orange for much longer

See video

orange hiviz in mud 1

in the mud in orange gear

See video

Gendarmerie 2

See video

Leather and MX

See video

Moto Police 2

See video

Mudding at midnight (This time, for real!)

Where I live finding mud is not an easy task. After a few days of exploration, I finally managed to find a nice spot. It took some time with a shovel to make a pit with decent enough mud, with a concrete-like consistency. Quite shallow, but enough for having some fun!

Most of the mud is earth and sand, but I found some clay nearby and was able to add it the mix.

Gear: Oregon Yukon safety boots, 3M one-time use suit, Super B-DRI full rainproof coveralls, Emperor heavy duty rubber gloves and a gas mask.

See video

Wallowing in a mud pit

I've finally managed to find a small mud pit to play. I loved filling my waders with mud.

Visit my other (X)Tube channel for the uncensored end (user: mud1701).

Gear: Fagum-Stomil 32" hip waders, 3M one-time use suit, full rainproof coveralls, Emperor heavy duty rubber gloves and a gas mask with a NBC filter.

See video


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