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Mud Play

Guys playing in the mud

Down to the shoulders

A video from a few months ago. Didn't plan to film, so I improvised with my phone.The YouTube editor doesn't seem to work as I would like, but well, I still went with its editing.Hope you enjoy.

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Wader suit in mud

Last Sunday was a really rainy day. During an earlier walk I found this muddy spot, and this was the perfect day to go there in my Ocean wader suit and have some fun. I'm not super happy with how the video ended up, but it was difficult to use my camera with both rain and mud. A good reason to start looking for a waterproof camera ;) I did some rolling around in the mud after this video, but couldn't really get any decent footage of that. Maybe next time.

See video

Floundering in bottomless clay

The mud got thicker deeper and stickier but never solid....

See video

Hunters and army pants 2

See video

Dry mud, a bit too deep...

Tried to find some mud now that the dry weather is more or less over.
The amount of mud was a bit disappointing, but there were some nice
places that are normally too wet or too deep. This small patch of mud
seemed fine for my wellies, except it turned out to be a little too
deep. The mud was fairly dry, so my trousers just got muddy, not soaked
(Note: video has age restriction, you might need to log into YouTube to see it).

See video

Deep Mud 4 Bonus material

Some bonus footage from Deep Mud 4

See video

Deep mud 4

I return to my favourite mud hole in my waders and sink deep

See video

Head right under

Wanted to get my gear totally trashed

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Leather cap head dunk

Time to get my head under

See video

Skinnies, boots & Alpinestars in the mud

Inspired by Mudboyandy’s latest vid, went in search of mud last weekend. Despite the hot dry conditions I wasn’t disappointed! Chance to get my brand new Alpinestars motox jersey & gloves trashed :)

See video


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