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Why is it so many people turn down their wellies while mucking about !!! when they could buy a shorter pair!! I am looking comments to this thread please.

Hi viz

I suppose a lot of you have noticed im more or less obsessed with hivis boilersuits (overalls). I just want to say im sorry if i get a bit naggy.

If there is anybodyelse who is similar to me and would happily spend a day in hivis/ovies, please give me a messsage.Perssonally i think they are the best geaqr for getting muddy (but i know some disagree)

meets near liverpool / wiga

          Hi I am an new pair of hunters and looking for some fun in them. Anybody fancy some fun, send me a meessage.

Catheter kits

Does anyone know where you can buy sterile catheter kits in the UK?

Head under club

Want to spend more than a few seconds in total immersion. Does anyone else have BA experience?

Want to do a video in hi viz with another dirty guyRickytruck

Hi from SE London

Very new to the site and wasnt entirely sure where to put my first post!

Im james, 18, bi sexual, from Kent/ SE London, and love gunge/manure. I've had little experience with manure. I like it becuase its like an extreme gunging, but normal gunge also as thats what I saw on TV growing up, and dreamed of one day being in the gunge3 tank or having a bucked of gunge (or manure) poured over my head. 

French TV Show About Sables Mouvants (quicksand)


This one came and went a while ago.....


in translation........


better photo.....


Any readers there in France ??


From N.Ireland ( wellies & mud fun)

I am not sure if the owner of this website will allow this comment !! Anyways does anyone else have this problem that always happens to me when i go mudding but more so when i wear my close mates wellies.

Cute yoof TV presenter in quicksand "experiment"

BBC3 programme available on iPlayer until 4:24AM Wed, 4 Apr. Quicksand item starts at 5 mins 20 secs:


Anyone else like hunter wellies?

Hey, there seems to be a lot of interest in bullseye wellies and other chunky wellies, but is there anyone else that like hunters?

I have a black pair I've had for about a year now I use for walks. I usually go down the road then follow a shortcut through a muddy field before coming back out on the road but i've never flooded them in water/mud, I normally wear my rangers for that. My aim this winter is definitely to fill them full of sloppy mud and then continue my walk down the road with them covered in mud inside and out. Anyone interested in photos?


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