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Hi from SE London

Very new to the site and wasnt entirely sure where to put my first post!

Im james, 18, bi sexual, from Kent/ SE London, and love gunge/manure. I've had little experience with manure. I like it becuase its like an extreme gunging, but normal gunge also as thats what I saw on TV growing up, and dreamed of one day being in the gunge3 tank or having a bucked of gunge (or manure) poured over my head. 

As said my manure expiencce is very little. I love cow/ horse manure (I prefer the look,smell of horse muck, but cows is more messy). I've faceplanted myself into a small pile of horse muck and enjoyed it, an even bigger, fresher pile is what I want next, or a cow pile, I do like getting messy :)

Im a gunge virgin sadly, hopefully that'll be changing some time soon.

I'd like to chat to people sharing my interests (predominantly manure side of things). But I'd like to meet some locals and have some fun if they're up  to it.

James x


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