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Who left me the muddy trackies as a present???

Hey guys, I just went out for a muddy session today at one of my favorite mud pits near Silverstone( http://mudboyuk.com/muddy_locations/muddy-pond-bed-near-buckinghamsilverstone_4567).

I was pleasently surprised to find someone had been there very recently, as all the foot prints were quite fresh. As a bonus they left a nice pair trackie bottoms at the side of the mud pit, already nicely muddy from their session. Rather than trash my own gear thought I would wear these other guys trackies in the mud, which made it extra horny. Just wondered who left them, and I hope they dont mind as I stole them! Hoping its someone off here so they know I was wanking in their trackies;-)
Will be using em again for sure.
Sorry I didnt get any footage this time as my cam let me down, but will be going again I am sure.


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