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Somerset mud meeting 25th to 28th October

There are now several guys attending the next successful follow-up to the first mud meeting organised by hungdungdung Simon, near Taunton, Somerset, just off the A30 or M5 depending on how you wish to arrive, nearest airport/s Exeter & Bristol, nearest train / coach stations at Taunton. 

We're starting to turn up at the camp site from Thursday 25th October & staying until the afternoon of Sunday 28th October - the camp site reference / link is http://www.ukcampsite.co.uk/sites/details.asp?revid=2606 - including the phone number.  Book yourself into the site, I have used up the four spaces in my two tents already, or liaise with other mud members who are attending for accommodation.

Please be discreet when booking, my reason is that I am mountain biking on the amazingly muddy Hare Path trail & exploring the Blackdown Hills & woodlands there - all of which have a wide variety of mud including some of the most awesome clay mud it's possible to find anywhere, as we discovered on my last visit in August when we got together with loads of other mudders :)  Remember it's a family campsite & we want to keep using it in future, the owners are very laid back country folk with animals & are none too concerned about muddy visitors.

This event is set to follow-on from the last one & will have an ever greater attendance by all accounts, guys have been promising to attend & have booked in from Wales, the Midlands & Northern Ireland already & from the South & South West with possibly more to join us before the end of October when we kick-off.

Many have expressed a preference for jeans and boots this time, but whatever you're into, the sessions will be relaxed & fun, if you bring a bicyle / mountain bike it helps to get muddy & to get to & from the mud sites without worrying about a car, access if fast & local, we'll be driving / sharing cars if necessary.

The emphasis is on minimal cost, the campsite is £ 15 a night / pitch & £ 17 - 50 if you want electricity for laptops etc... and meals will be taken on site for breakfast, milk etc. can be bought on site or locally at Sainsbury's in Taunton, evening meals can be bought at the pub & those who want packed lunches can sort it out via the shop on site or the supermarket visit/s.  Bananas are a good idea & bring drinks to assist those of us who like piss pleasure of which there appear to be a few cumming along.

No-one will be forced to do anything, those attending will be able to do as much or as little as they wish, sharing the fun or doing it alone, photographed or videod, some will want to be recorded, others will wish to remain anonymous, but all will be catered for - bring a cap or hat or a balaclava if you want to be photographed but wish to remain anonymous until you're thoroughly mudded that is, the perfect disguise for anyone !

Very best wishes to all who are attending & want to cum along, the first event was incredible & all those who attended left wanting more & now is your chance & for those who missed the first occasion, the long term forecast is for very wet and warm so we're in for a treat. 

Please make your booking direct with the campsite & inform us that you're attending so we have an idea of numbers, the more the merrier, woods locally are very private & people are scarce so it's a great mudding event & locations are awesome.

Levispup - Martin Fox - Levispup@aol.com :)


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