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Site Down 3rd to 16 May 2008

So what happend?

Well the day that I flew out on a 10 day trip into the middle of no-internet-land the hosting company I use upgraded their servers to nice new redhat ones, and in doing so made some changes that (for the geeks) limit the settings that can be made in .htaccess... Now, nicely, when apache comes across a directive it doesn't like the look of, it doesn't just ignore it and put it in the log file... it throws white screen with a 500 error, - this is what every user saw for 10 days until i returned back to open my emails and see what had happened. The rest of the time (14-16th) is in resolving this issue with the hosting company and spending way to long trying workarounds with different configuration files until I became sure I was not the one at fault!

Conclusion: Bad Timing!


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