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lookin for mud sites round mcr/north west area

yesterday me and another guy off this site tried a few places that have been mentioned on here.one of the sites were'nt so bad,the other a dissapointment,the other two we could'nt have been that far out,but again could'nt get to.one of the sites we went to was leigh mud quarry and the only place we could pull up was on a private road,so we gingerly made our way in but this was concrete based and there was'nt much there in way of mud,wether we went in right way or not is a mystery,but lads u better have good excuses as we got pulled up after on our way back so be prepared!!the ribble was'nt so bad more muddy in the farm mud at the top more than the estuary itself this was more heavy slimy and did'nt go much further than the ankles.southport was the other one we tried,this was more any area for bird watchers,so no matter what time of day or nite you went you'd guaranteed there would be someone there so very public,not really impressed by this one either!the other one was ribble/warton which was on preston docks...somewhere we could'nt locate this one,but either way i made the most of what i'd found!!so lads any ideas any good sites in mcr/bolton/north west area feel free to leave any comments or suggestions see what you think.


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