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Building site

I have just got in from helping a mate at work. All day in the mud on a building site as a ground lad was wonderful, thick mud from the machines an liquid from the rain, I think he knows I don't care about bein wet an muddy as I had the glourious job of clearing the rubbish from the deep part to the skip.

To top off the day they had me change into wet kit after tellin me I was goin in the mud with the apprentice (he knew I would). It came down to a deal with the lad ove I went first got muddy an he'd do the same, so me bein me in I went front and back the down side was my waterproof pants ripped so I ended up covered and loved it, once I was in an covered in mud while I dripped off the apprentice went in an did the Same he then decided I should join him an we ended up wrestling. By this point we wer both covered and cleaned off usin the hose on site. As a favour I said I'd take the soggy lad home to save him walkin. But instead we both went back in the mud for round 2 only this one ended with me sat in the mud an half naked with Trackies round mi ankles (commando) an lad with Trackies filled with mud.Wot an end? Think I might go back tommorow an do same again!


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