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Don't relax your guard on covid

The farmer who kindly lets me play on his farm, (and gives permission on an occasional basis for a group of us to meet), tells me he has tested positive for covid. At present he doesn't feel too bad, just annoying he has no sense of taste nor smell. He had 2 Oxford Astra vaccinations, the 2nd was last August.

I'm sure all reading this would like to wish him all the best. He is such an nice guy, cares about his animals, leaves them outdoors (with a shelter they can go in and out of whenever they wish, which they do in bad weather), because they are happier that way. (This is why his fields get so muddy in winter).

He's pretty sure how he caught it, from another farmer he was talking to at the market, who called him later "My family are going down with it, you should get tested".

All being well, I shall organise another meet on his farm next May, or early June.


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