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Current site problems

Current Site Issues

MINOR Users with _ - @ or other special character in their name who joined before 12 april 2008 could have an issue with the link from their profile gallery to their user profile, if there is a problem contact me and I will correct the url aliases that link the two. This problem also affects all users who have a space in their user name. As a work around use the link in the right side bar to access related profile pages

MINOR - text entry issues on ipad (presumably other ios platforms)

MINOR - issue with refreshing profile page when uploading a new profile images. you need to press refresh in your browser after you have uploaded a new profile image (avatar) otherwise the old image remains cached on your computer. (may be resolved?)

MINOR - Weekly site update emails are currently not being sent, fix for this will be rolled into the next major site update (still a pending task, open to discussion "what would you like to receive")

MINOR - Comments for old profile galleries (created >2 approx years ago) were disabled by default, many have been corrected, e.g. http://mudboyuk.com/profiles/mudboy . If they are disabled and you want them enabling for your profile gallery or find a profile you'd like to comment on contact mudboy with the username of the profile in question.

MINOR - formatting issues on instant messages (site messages). carriage returns are missing / double carriage returns are needed to make a paragraph break

MODERATE - video support is currently substandard. the site video player only works with flash and offers no html5 fallback (also fails to work on some machines for reasons i can't tie down), many video types are supported but coverage for some is patchy. ideally your videos should be embedded from youtube if they suitable

Post any other problems you find below:


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